
Posts Tagged ‘U2’

Has Apple killed the new business elevator pitch?

Have you ever experienced an ‘elevator’ pitch? Or actually witnessed someone in an elevator being pitched, to? Ever? Me neither. Although I seem to remember one in a film some time ago…who was it?

I still call lifts, lifts by the way. Not elevators. Just as I call films, films. Not movies. Going to the cinema (not ‘the movies’) is also what you do when you go to see a film.

iPhone Medication meditations

A-a-a-anyway, iOS 8 − along with unwanted U2 stuff − means elevators / lifts will soon become a thing of the past. Which is a good thing for people like me for two reasons:

  1. I’m occasionally asked to suggest or comment on an agency’s elevator pitch. And normally I don’t like them. Which causes problems if I try to remain honest. Which I do.
  2. I prefer to take the stairs. Principled new business person’s silly belief in the power of generating some adrenalin-induced, increased heart-rate ooomph before getting to talk to prospects, etc. Difficult if I ever get invited to the Shard, I know. And glad I don’t live in New York.

Now, given Apple’s unlikely attempt to try and disrupt the lifts market, why this threatened redundancy of lifts? I mean, I can understand Apple Pay and how that might change the way we bank and pay for things forever. But lifts…?

Because somewhere along the way, somewhere during the three-hour update process on my phone rendering me as worryingly incommunicado as though I’d been on the other side of the moon, iOS 8 decided to add a little very-hungry-for-space app called ‘Health’.

Er, “So…?”, I hear you say. “It’s just about wearables, isn’t it? Just getting you to record everything from your Fuelband to your iWatch (soon) to your Jawbone. Big deal.”

Let me tell you, this is a very big deal. Read more…